FVSUag Directory
Andres A Pech-Cervantes, PhD
Assistant Professor of Ruminant Nutrition
(478) 827-3092
Academic Program: Animal Science, Animal Science Graduate Program
Research Area: Small Ruminants
Research Interests:
- Understanding the host-microbiome interactions in ruminants
- Use of multi-omics technologies to study the influence of dietary strategies on performance and efficiency in ruminants
- Use of nutritional strategies to increase the sustainability of ruminant production systems
Doctor of Philosophy: Dairy Nutrition - University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (2019)
Master of Science: Ruminant Nutrition - Autonomous University of Yucatan, Mexico (2013)
Bachelor of Science: Agronomy (Honors) - National Institute of Technology of Mexico (2007)
Recent Publications/Presentations:
A.A. Pech-Cervantes, L.F. Ferrarretto and, I.M. Ogunade. 2022. Meta-analysis of the dietary application of exogenous alpha-amylase preparations on performance, nutrient digestibility, and rumen fermentation of lactating dairy cows. Journal of Animal Science 10.1093/jas/skac189
D. Pannell, B. Kouakou, T.H. Terrill., I.M. Ogunade., Z.M. Estrada Reyes, V. Bryant, M. Idowu and, A.A. Pech-Cervantes. 2022. Adding dried distillers grains with solubles influences the rumen microbiome of meat goats fed lespedeza or alfalfa-based diets. Small Rum. Res. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2022.106747
M.D. Idowu, G. Taiwo, A.A. Pech-Cervantes, S. Bowdridge, and I.M. Ogunade. 2022. Effect of a multi-component microbial feed additive containing prebiotics and probiotics on health, immune status, metabolism, and performance of newly weaned beef steers during 35-d receiving period. Translational Animal Science 10.1093/tas/txac053
G. Taiwo M.D. Idowu, M. Wilson, A.A. Pech-Cervantes, Z.M. Estrada-Reyes and, I.M. Ogunade. 2022. Identification of key pathways associated with residual feed intake of beef cattle based on whole blood transcriptome data analyzed using gene set enrichment analysis. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10.3389/fvets.2022.848027
G. Taiwo M.D. Idowu, S. Collins, T. Sidney, M. Wilson, I.M. Ogunade and, A.A. Pech Cervantes. 2022. Chemical group-based metabolome analysis identifies candidate plasma biomarkers associated with residual feed intake in beef steers. Front. in Anim. Sci. 10.3389/fanim.2021.783314
Pech-Cervantes Andres A., Terrill Thomas H., Ogunade Ibukun M., Z.M. Estrada Reyes. 2021. Meta-analysis of the effects of dietary inclusion of Sericea Lespedeza (Lespedeza Cuneata) forage on performance, digestibility, and rumen fermentation of small ruminants. Livest. Sci. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104707
Arriola K. G., A. Oliveira, Y. Jiang, D. Kim, H. Silva, S. Churl Kim, F.X. Amaro, I.M. Ogunade, H. Sultana, A.A. Pech-Cervantes, L. Ferraretto, D. Vyas and A.T. Adesogan 2021. Meta-analysis of inoculation of Lactobacillus buchneri with and without other bacteria on silage fermentation, aerobic stability, and performance of dairy cows J. Dairy Sci. 104,7653-7670
Arriola K. G., D. Vyas, D.H. Kim, M. Agarussi, V. Silva, M. Flores Y. Jiang, X. Yanlin, A.A. Pech-Cervantes, L.F. Ferraretto, and A.T. Adesogan. 2021. Effect of Lactobacillus hilgardii, lactobacillus buchneri or their combination on the fermentation and nutritive value of sorghum silage and corn silage J. Dairy Sci. 104, 9664-9675.
McCoun M., A. Oyebade, Z.M. Estrada-Reyes, A.A. Pech-Cervantes and I.M. Ogunade. 2021. Effects of Multi-species direct-fed microbial products on ruminal metatranscriptome and carboxyl-metabolome of beef steers. Animals, 11, 72.
Pech-Cervantes, A.A., M. Irfan, Z.M. Estrada-Reyes, I.M. Ogunade. 2020. Recombinant technologies to improve ruminant production systems: The past, present and future. Processes, 8, 1633. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr8121633
Adeyemi, J.A., S.O. Peters, M. De Donato, A.P. Cervantes, and I.M. Ogunade. 2020. Effects of a blend of Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based direct-fed microbial and fermentation products on plasma carbonyl-metabolome and fecal bacterial community of beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 11:1–10. doi:10.1186/s40104-019-0419-5.
Ogunade I.M., G. Taiwo, Z.M. Estrada-Reyes, Y. Jiang, A.A. Pech-Cervantes and S. Peters. 2020. Effects of a blend of mannan and glucan on growth performance, apparent nutrient digestibility, energy status and whole-blood immune gene expression of beef steers during a 42-d receiving period. Trans. Anim. Sci. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa226
Amaro F.X., D.G. Kim, M. Agarussi, Silva V., T. Fernandes, K.G. Arriola, Y. Jiang, A.A. Pech-Cervantes, A.T. Adesogan, L.F. Ferraretto, Y. Shukun, W. Li and D. Vyas. 2020. Effects of exogenous a-amylases, glucoamylases and proteases on ruminal in vitro dry matter and starch digestibility, gas production and volatile fatty acids of mature dent corn. Trans. Anim. Sci. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa222
Khan T.M., M. Irfan, H. Ahsan, S. Ali, A. Malik, A.A. Pech-Cervantes, Z. Cui, Y.J. Zhang and D.Q. Wei. 2021. CYPIA2, 2A13 and 3A4 network and interaction with Aflatoxin B. World Mycotoxin Journal, 14, 179-189
Pech-Cervantes, A.A., I.M. Ogunade, Y. Jiang, Z.M. Estrada-Reyes, K.G. Arriola, F.X. Amaro, C.R. Staples, D. Vyas, and A.T. Adesogan. 2021. Effects of a Xylanase-Rich Enzyme on intake, milk production and digestibility of dairy cows fed a diet containing a high proportion of bermudagrass silage. J. Dairy Sci. 104, 7671-7681.
Pech-Cervantes, A.A., I. Muhammad, I.M. Ogunade, Y. Jiang, D.H. Kim, C.F. Gonzalez, T.J. Hackmann, A.S. Oliveira, D. Vyas, and A.T. Adesogan. 2019. Exogenous fibrolytic enzymes and recombinant bacterial expansins synergistically improve hydrolysis and in vitro digestibility of bermudagrass haylage. J. Dairy Sci. 102. doi:10.3168/jds.2019-16339.
Pech-Cervantes, A.A., I.M. Ogunade, Y. Jiang, M. Irfan, K.G. Arriola, F.X. Amaro, C.F. Gonzalez, N. DiLorenzo, J.J. Bromfield, D. Vyas, and A.T. Adesogan. 2019. An expansinlike protein expands forage cell walls and synergistically increases hydrolysis, digestibility and fermentation of livestock feeds by fibrolytic enzymes. PLoS One 14:e0224381.
Ogunade, I., A. Pech-Cervantes, and H. Schweickart. 2019. Metatranscriptomic analysis of sub-acute ruminal acidosis in beef cattle. Animals 9. doi:10.3390/ani9050232.
Ogunade, I., Y. Jiang, and A.A. Pech-Cervantes. 2019. Plasma Reveals the Effects of Sequestering Agents on the Metabolic Status of Dairy Cows Challenged Aflatoxin B1. Toxins 1–11. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins11120693.
Adesogan, A.T., K.G. Arriola, Y. Jiang, A. Oyebade, E.M. Paula, A.A. Pech-Cervantes, J.J. Romero, L.F. Ferraretto, and D. Vyas. 2019. Symposium review: Technologies for improving fiber utilization. J. Dairy Sci. 102. doi:10.3168/jds.2018-15334.
Jiang, Y., I.M. Ogunade, A.A. Pech-Cervantes, P.X. Fan, X. Li, D.H. Kim, K.G. Arriola, M.B. Poindexter, K.C. Jeong, D. Vyas, and A.T. Adesogan. 2020. Effect of sequestering agents based on a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product and clay on the ruminal bacterial community of lactating dairy cows challenged with dietary aflatoxin B1. J. Dairy Sci. 103:1431– 1447. doi:10.3168/jds.2019-16851.
Pech-Cervantes, A. A., Ventura-Cordero, J., Capetillo-Leal, C. M., Torres-Acosta, J. F. J., and Sandoval-Castro, C. A. 2016. Relationship between intake of tannin-containing tropical tree forage, PEG supplementation, and salivary haze development in hair sheep and goats. Biochem. Sys. Eco. 68, 101-108.