Dawit Aberra, Ph.D.
Interim Chair, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences

Dawit Aberra, Ph.D.
Interim Chair, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
College of Arts and Sciences
- (478) 825-6725
- aberrad@fvsu.edu
- Mathematics
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, GA-31030
(478) 825 6731/6430
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Post Graduate Diploma, ICTP (Italy)
M.S., Addis Ababa University
B.S., Addis Ababa University
(Most Recent)
2012 – Present
Chair/Interim Chair
Department of Math & Computer Science
Fort Valley State University
2008 - Present
Associate Professor, Department of Math & Computer Science
Fort Valley State University
- Chunhua Dong, Masoud Naghedolfeizi, Dawit Aberra, Hao Qiu, Xiangyan Zeng, “Superpixel sparse representation for target detection in hyperspectral imagery,” Proc. SPIE 10211, Compressive Sensing CVI: From Diverse Modalities to Big Data Analytics, 102110E; doi:10.1117/12.2262147; May 5, 2017. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2262147
- Haixin Wang and Dawit Aberra, "Noisy Nonlinear Gene Regulatory Networks Analysis Using Ensemble Kalman Filter Based Particle Filter without a Model”, Proceeding CSBio & Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics, Pages 8-13, 2016.
- X. Zeng, M. Naghedolfeizi, S. Arora, N. Yousif and D. Aberra "Selection of principal components based on Fisher discriminant ratio," Proc. SPIE 9871, Sensing and Analysis Technologies for Biomedical and Cognitive Applications 2016, 98710K (May 19, 2016); doi:10.1117/12.2227045.
- Wang, H., Aberra, D., “Noise Analysis of Gene Regulatory Networks Using Particle Filter,” Int. J. Clin. Biostat. Biom., 1:2, 2015.
- Zeng, X., Naghedolftizi, M., Arora, S., Yousif, N., Gosukonda, R., Aberra, D., “Illumination and Rotation Invariant Texture Representation,” International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Vol. 2, 779 - 783, 2013.
- Aberra, D., “A note on the Schwarz reflection principle for polyharmonic functions,” Analysis, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 205 – 210, 2011.
- Aberra, D., Agrawal, K., “Surfaces of Revolution in n – Dimensions,” Internat. J. Math. Ed. Sci. Tech, 38:6, pp. 843 – 852; 2007.
- Aberra, D., “The Schwarz potential of even dimensional tori and quadrature for harmonic functions,” Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Vol. 47, pp. 1- 15; 2002.
- Aberra, D., Savina, T., “The Schwarz reflection principle for polyharmonic functions in ,” Complex Variables Theory and Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 27- 43; 2000.
- Aberra, D., “On a generalized reflection law for functions satisfying the Helmholtz equation,” Electron J. Diff. Eqns., Vol 1999, 1 – 10, 1999.
- Aberra, D., Wang, H., & Chitsonga, S., “Adding a Minor Portfolio for HBCU Students: The Case of Applied Statistics at Fort Valley State University,” presented at the 22-nd Annual HBCU Faculty Development Network Conference in Atlanta, October 22-23, 2015.
- Davis, J., Aberra, D., Chitsonga, S., Cartwright, S., “A Critical Thinking Enhancement Model for Reforming Pre-calculus at an HBCU,” 19th National HBCU Faculty Development Network, Highlight of a Presentation, Orlando, Florida, October 17—20, 2012.
- Chitsonga, S., Aberra, D., Cartwright, S., Watson, K., “Redesigning Pre-Calculus Courses: Lessons From the Past,” Abstract, The 90-th annual meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Southeastern Section, University of Alabama, April 1 - 2, 2011.
- Davis, J., Aberra, D., Cartwright, S., Chitsonga, S., “Enhancing Critical Thinking Capability in Pre-Calculus,” Abstract, FVSU Third Annual Research Day, April 2011.
- Aberra, D., “A note on the Schwarz reflection principle for polyharmonic functions,” Abstract, The 89-th annual meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Southeastern Section, Elon University, Elon, NC. March 26 - 27, 2010.
- Cartwright, S., Aberra, D., “An examination of mathematics proficiency of minority students in pre-calculus,” Abstract, The 89-th annual meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Southeastern Section, Elon University, Elon, NC. March 26 - 27, 2010.
- Aberra, D., Evans, EW., Sekyere, E., Alston, C., “Harmonic functions and related differential equations,” Summary of an REU, Mathematical Association of America, MAA Online, 2008.
- Aberra, D., “The length of a Cevian, HISSAB (Journal of the Ethiopian Mathematical Society),” 1992.