Oreta Samples, D.H.Sc.
Lead Veterinary Technologist
College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology

Oreta Samples, D.H.Sc.
Lead Veterinary Technologist
College of Agriculture, Family Sciences and Technology
- (478) 825-6904
- sampleso@fvsu.edu
- Master of Public Health
Oreta Marie Samples
Emerging Infectious Diseases Post-Graduate Certificate (2019)
University of St. Joseph, Hartford, Connecticut
Certificate: On-Line Instructor (2016)
Saint Francis University, Loretto, PA
DHSc – Doctor of Health Sciences (2008)
Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Master of Public Health: Concentration in Environmental Health (2005)
Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA 31030
Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Technology (1994)
Associates of Science in Veterinary Technology (1994)
Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA 31030
o Hill's Pet Food Tutorial Award - 1991
o USDA/APHIS Tutorial Award - 1992, 1993, 1994
o USDA/ARS Tutorial Award - 1992, 1993, 1994
o Honor Roll Student - 1992, 1993
o Beta Kappa Chi Honor Society - 1993, 1994
o Georgia Public Health Association – Student Ambassador 2003-2005
o Georgia Board of Regents Chancellors Individual of the Year BRONZE Award 2016
o Bailus Walker, Jr. Diversity and Inclusion Award 2023 National Environmental Health Association
• Journal of the Georgia Public Health Association, Editorial Board Member 2023 Appointed.
• Environmental Science Academic Advisory Committee, University System of Georgia, 2021-Present – Representing Fort Valley State University, nominated for position by V.P. Ramon Stuart, FVSU.
Association of Veterinary Technician Educators: 2021 – Present – Invited to serve as Editor of Journal of AVTE (JAVTE) to produce 1 convention edition per year and one Fall online version. Responsible for putting together Journal Editorial Board, solicit sponsorship and spearhead the new revised Journal for upcoming 2022 Convention.
Journal Board Member – 2015-June, 2019 - (Member-at-Large) serving as Committee Member of Editorial Board. Review of articles for submission to the journal as well as publishing within journal yearly.
Environmental Health Accreditation Council: 2021-2023 – Invited to fill term of deceased member who ran against in 2020 for the 2-year term. Duties include review of Environmental Public Health programs for accreditations/reaccreditation by EHAC and committee responsibilities.
Georgia Environmental Health Association: 2014-2023 – Executive Board Member: currently serving as Academic Chair and Member-at-Large: Responsibilities: (2022) organizing the student poster session for yearly meeting, (2014-2020 - collecting essays for Irving Bell scholarship and secure student speaker for conference). Also publish yearly within the journal; currently serving as Interim Secretary for 2021-2023 on Board.
Georgia Public Health Association: Editorial Board: 2016-2019 Editorial Board Member: reviewed editorial submissions for publication in Journal of GPHA and publish in the journal.
National Association of State and Public Health Veterinarians, Committee member: Veterinary Technician/NATA Representative - 2007 – present: representing veterinary technologists who are also involved in public health on the NASPHV Board. This was a NAVTA appointment as their representative on the committee.
Association of Veterinary Technician Educators: Committee Member 2005 – Present. Currently as of 2022 serving as Editor of JAVTE.
Academy of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Technicians, Organizing Committee Member from 2008-2014. Resigned from committee due to other responsibilities and lack of time for involvement.
NAVTA/AVA, Committee member: AVA Sub-Review Committee 6-2012 - Present. Currently review approximately 5-7 programs yearly as one of several sub-committees charged with independent review of veterinary assistant programs in the US who desire NAVTA accreditation of their programs. Currently am serving as head of my own sub-committee.
NAVTA, Committee member 2022 Virtual Leadership Symposium, selecting speakers for veterinary technician portion of conference.
Editorial Board – NAVTA Journal, Appointed 2020-2023: Duties include review of submissions for the Journal and publish as an invited author.
Editorial Board – NAVTA Journal, Appointed 2013 to 2017: Duties included review of submissions for the Journal as well as Committee Chair for Student Submissions to the journal. Publish as invited in the journal.
Editor – GVTAA Newsletter, 2013-2017: Elected/served 2 2-year appointments as Editor of the Georgia Veterinary Technician and Assistants quarterly newsletter. Responsible for content solicitation and format of GVTAA quarterly newsletter during that time.
1. MPH Program, Dept. of Veterinary Science & Public Health, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia 31030
Dr. George McCommon, Dept. Chair
8-2013 to present - Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor (tenure track)
• Serve as Coordinator of the Master of Public Health program with duties for budget management, grant writing, supervision of faculty and staff as well as program management duties. Have recruited successfully raising student population from 20 in 2013 to 160 in 2018.
• Held position of “Lecturer” from 2013 until 2018 at which time promoted to Associate Professor.
• Added a second concentration: “Agricultural Epidemiology” to existing program.
• Acquired Full Accreditation by Environmental Health Accreditation Council of MPH Program.
• Established and managed a satellite cohort of Georgia Department of Public Health students in Tifton, GA. (graduated 8 students in less than 2 years)
• Grantsmanship: See Section XI for details.
• Invited to create a white paper regarding need to add an undergraduate degree in public health at FVSU.
• Have facilitated professional involvement of students at state and national conventions in presentations and competitive activities as well as publishing their thesis work.
• Committees: Honors Faculty Committee, Grievance Committees (2), Hiring Committees 5+), etc.
• Teach undergraduate courses (VETY 1801: Orientation, VETY 1812: Medical Terminology, VETY 1814: Ethics and Office Procedures, VETY 3903: Veterinary Diseases, VETY 4821: Seminar, VETY 3924 Clinical Pathology and Chemistry) as requested.
• Committees 2021: Emergency Management, CLERY Act and SAFE Committee.
• Adjunct online- Instructor in the following areas: Dissertation Capstone, Dissertation Preparation, Public Health Integrative Project (Master level), Preparation for Professional Doctorate (Master level) and MPH 5515: Public Health Advocacy (Master level).
2. Capella University, Minneapolis, MN
2017 – Present
• Visiting professor teaching master-level public health courses, Mentor to doctoral students in Dissertation Capstone projects, managing up to 5 mentees at one time.
3. Chamberlain University, Chicago, Illinois
August 2020 to Present
• Visiting Professor: teaching Master Level Environmental Health courses.
• Represented Chamberlain at Caribbean Disaster Medicine Conference 2021.
• Developed curriculum for MPH in Veterinary Science as well as Certificated Program.
4. Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, Arizona
2016 - Present
• Serve as a “Content Expert” to students completing Field Experience Capstone towards MPH Degree.
5. Walden University, Online Programs
• Served as a “Content Expert” to students completing Field Experience Capstone towards MPH Degree (2017-2019).
6. Department of Veterinary Science, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia 31030
Dr. G. McCommon (2013 – present) Dr. S. Mobini (2008-2013), Dr. F. Lochner (2000-2008), Dr. G. Huggins (1995-2000)
10-95 to 8-13 – Lead Veterinary Technician
o Adjunct Instructor to the following areas (2008-2013): Medical Terminology, Clinical Pathology and Chemistry, Veterinary Parasitology, Orientation, Ethics and Office Procedures for 5 years (lab and lecture). Taught the laboratory sections of Pathology and Chemistry and Parasitology from 1995 – 2013 under supervision of veterinary instructor for the course.
o Lab Technician/Assistant: Artificial Insemination, Anatomy & Physiology, Radiology (1995-2013).
o Produced/edited lab manuals for Parasitology, Clinical Pathology/Chemistry to be used in-house with yearly revisions over past 13 years and am currently under contract for production of a clinical pathology lab manual with Teton-New Media to be published in 2018.
o Responsible for pharmaceutical inventory (including disposal) and use of inventory software (1995-2013).
o Supervisory Responsibilities: 2 veterinary technicians and 1 animal caretaker, 2 student caretakers (1995-2013).
o Environmental Safety Officer of department for past 5 years (2009-2013).
o Department of Biology – Taught lab sessions in BIOL 1107 and 1108 from 2008-2010 at night during Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.
7. St. Francis University, Department of Health Sciences
PO Box 600, Loretto, PA
Dr. Deborah Budash
(814) 472-3919
2011 – 2018 – Adjunct Professor – PA Program
o Hold rank of on-line professor within Physician’s Assistant program.
o Taught Research Methodologies and Introduction to Public Health 4 times yearly (online)
o Assisted in the writing of the curriculum for a new course Introduction to Graduate Public Health
o Created PHIL 350: Faith-Based Medical Ethics, as part of CETL program to earn Certification as On-Line Instructor. Certification bestowed in 2016. Course added to curriculum in 2017.
7. Kaplan University, Health Sciences Division
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Dr. Matthew Caines, Departmental Chair
August 2008 – January 2013
Served as adjunct on-line faculty to Department of Health Sciences teaching Epidemiology and Biostatistics (HS 310) during which time I was involved in the following:
o Curriculum redesign/rewriting of holistic rubrics for HS 310: Epidemiology & Biostatistics as well as course content and final examination.
o Served as Course Lead for HS 310: Epidemiology and Biostatistics from 10-2009/1-2013.
o Taught 21 terms with KU, 1-2 evening sections per 10-week term instructing HS 310: Epidemiology & Biostatistics (as well as HS 315: Intro to Public Health – one term.
o Innovative Lab Fellowship Recipient: Topic of fellowship: Gaming as a way to teach and learn epidemiology. Paper published in Journal of Association of Veterinary Technician Educators in 2016.
o Life Credits Committee Member: Portfolio review for granting of life credits within program of study.
8. Veterinary Support Personnel Network (a division of Veterinary Information Network) – www.vspn.org
Served as Book Review Editor from 12-01-06 to October 2016 (at this time the book review section of the website was discontinued).
Responsibilities included acquisition of printed material, management of up to 50 reviewers as well as editing finished book reviews for inclusion on the VSPN website. I have personally contributed over 150 reviews during this time to the VSPN Book Review Section.
I co-hosted VSPN Chat Rounds once weekly for members to discuss books on veterinary medicine; books which I contributed to include the following:
A Dog’s Life
Writing Journal Articles
9. Fort Valley State University, Department of Biology
1005 State College Drive, Fort Valley, GA 31030
Dr. Melinda Davis 478/825/6848
August 2007 – December 2009
Adjunct laboratory instructor for BIO 1107/1108: Freshmen Biology teaching two to three laboratory sections per semester for 3 years.
10. Medical Education Development, 312 North Davis Drive, Warner Robins, Georgia 31093
478-476-8050/478-923-8660 (Mrs. Margaret Selph)
August 2004 to May 2005
o Adjunct instructor for private vocational technician school.
o Taught Phlebotomy and Electrocardiography Techniques
o Supervised students during hands-on lab clinicals at local Macon Medical Volunteer Clinic.
11. Job references related to employment from 1999 back, available on request.
III. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE (funded and non-funded):
1. Morehouse Mini-Grant (PI) 2022 [5275.00]
Morehouse School of Medicine
Atlanta, Georgia
TOPIC: Zoonotic Diseases in White-tailed Deer, Virginia Opossum and North American Raccoon and Transmission to Humans
2. Morehouse Mini-Grant (PI) 2021 [4100.00]
Morehouse School of Medicine
Atlanta, Georgia
TOPIC: Zoonotic Diseases of Raccoons and Opossums
3. Evans-Allen Grant Research (PI) 2021-2026 [200,000]
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, Georgia
TOPIC: Zoonotic Diseases of White-tailed Deer and Transmission to Hunters, Taxidermists and Wild-game Processors
4. Evans-Allen Grant Research (co-PI) 2021-2026 [113,000]
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, Georgia
Dr. George McCommon (PI) (478) 825-6795
TOPIC: Novel Treatments of Mastitis in Dairy Goats (renewal of grant)
5. Evans-Allen Grant Research (co-PI) 2014-2019 [113,000]
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, Georgia
Dr. George McCommon (PI) (478) 825-6795
TOPIC: Novel Treatments of Mastitis in Dairy Goats
6. DHSc Doctoral Analysis: (PI) 04/08 – 06/08
Nova Southeastern University
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Dr. Patricia Kelly (954)262-1204
TOPIC: Evaluation of Doctoral Level Course Competencies
Successful completion of the required doctoral analysis of the DHSc program examining the scholastic content of four on-line doctoral programs.
7. Thesis Research, Master’s Degree – 2004-2005 (PI)
Fort Valley State University
Fort Valley, Georgia 31030
(478) 825-6833
(Dr. William H. Zimmerli, Dr. Yudan Wei)
TOPIC: Prevalence of West Nile Virus Infected Mosquitoes in Commercial Plant Nurseries
• Planned and executed a five-month research project investigating whether or not West Nile Virus carrying Culex species of mosquitoes were present within commercial plant nurseries and the effect on workers.
• Defended successfully and graduated May, 2005 with Masters of Public Health degree (Concentration: Environmental Health).
8. Co-PI/Laboratory Assistant – 1999-2001
Fort Valley State University, Agricultural Research Station
Fort Valley Georgia 31030
Dr. Thomas H. Terrill - (478) 825-6814
• Assisted in research project examining the evidence of anthelmintic resistance of gastrointestinal parasitism in dairy and meat goats.
• Duties included weekly fecal collection and testing (parasitic eggs per gram) and bi-weekly blood testing of packed cell volume and weight monitoring. Seasonal forage sampling of pastures for presence of parasites was also completed throughout the trial. Collection and testing utilized McMasters Method of parasite evaluation as well as larval culturing (i.e. Baermann Apparatus) and identification of Haemonchus contortus in pastures.
• See Section VIII for Publications, Proceeding’s and Abstracts from 1999 to 2001 on this topic.
• Clinical Laboratory Manual for Veterinary Technicians, 1st Edition 2022: Teton NewMedia, Samples, OM, Echols, S
• McCurnin’s Textbook for Veterinary Technologists, 10th Edition (2021) Elsevier Publishing. Bassert, Joanna, Samples, OM, Beal, A. Invited to serve as co-editor for the 10th edition of which I am scheduled to author or co-author the following chapters:
• Chapter 11: Hematology and Cytology
• Chapter 13: Parasitology
• Chapter 14: Clinical Microbiology
• Chapter 17: Basic Necropsy Techniques
• Chapter 18: Diagnostic Sampling and Therapeutic Technique
• Chapter 45: Large Animal Surgical Nursing (co-author)
• McCurnin’s Textbook for Veterinary Technologists, 9th Edition (2018). Bassert, Joanna, Samples, OM, Beal, A.: Served as co-editor as well as authoring three chapters within the text to include:
• Chapter 14: Parasitology
• Chapter 18: Diagnostic Sampling and Therapeutic Technique
• Chapter 38: The Human-Animal Bond and Euthanasia
A Comprehensive Guide for Veterinary Assistants, 1st Edition (2021). Langwell, C.
• Chapter 13: Exotic Animal Handling and Treatment
• Chapter 14: Large Animal Handling and Treatment
McCurnin’s Textbook for Veterinary Technicians, 10th Edition (2021).
• Chapter 11: Hematology and Cytology
• Chapter 13: Parasitology
• Chapter 14: Clinical Microbiology
• Chapter 17: Basic Necropsy Techniques
• Chapter 18: Diagnostic Sampling and Therapeutic Technique
• Chapter 45: Large Animal Surgical Nursing (co-author)
McCurnin’s Textbook for Veterinary Technologists, 9th Edition (2018).
• Chapter 14: Parasitology
• Chapter 18: Diagnostic Sampling and Therapeutic Technique
• Chapter 38: The Human-Animal Bond and Euthanasia
Mosby’s Comprehensive Review for Veterinary Technicians, 4th Ed. (2015)
• Chapter 2: Urinalysis and Hematology
Tasks for Veterinary Assistants, 3rd Edition, 2014
• Chapter 2: Professional Conduct
• Chapter 8: Nursing Skills
• Chapter 11: Patient Care
• Chapter 13: Endoscopy
• NAVTA Journal, July 2024: Foxtails: Sticklers for Distress, Samples, OM
• Environmental Health International Journal, Volume 24, No. 1 May 2024: Timeline of Toll-Like Receptor Expression During and After an Exercise Bout, Wesey, S, Samples, OM, McLester, J
• NAVTA Journal, November 2023: Foxtails, Sticklers for Distress, Samples, OM
• Environmental Health International, Vol. 23, No 2, October 2023: Evidence-Based Practices to Increase Participation in Prostate Screening in Black Men in Southern Urban Environments, Wesey, S, Samples, OM
• Georgia Environmental Health Association Journal September 2023: Fish Anyone…A Case Study, Dykes, G, Samples, OM
• Journal of the Association of Veterinary Educators, Winter 2023: Wristwatch: Archaic Timepiece or Medical Necessity, Samples, OM, Kalu, K.
• Frontiers in Public Health, June 19, 2023: The Community Engagement Course and Action Network: Strengthening Community and Academic Research Partnerships to Advance Health Equity, Akintobi, TH, Barrett, R, Hoffman, L, Scott, D, Davis, K Jones, T, de Veauuse-Brown, N, Fraire, M, Fraire, R, Gerner, J, Gruner, A, Hill, J, Meckel, R, Obi, C, Omunga, P, Parham, Q, Rice, T, Samples, O, Terrill, T
• Environment and Health International, Congress Edition, January 2023: Examination of the Incidence of COVID-19 Among White-tailed Deer and Potential for Interspecies (Zoonotic) Transmission in Georgia, Kupolati, K, Meckel, R, Terrill, TH, Stose, L, McCommon, G, Spikes, TR, Moseley, YY, Naikare, H, Samples, OM
• NAVTA Journal, January-March 2023: Polypharmacy, Samples, OM
• NAVTA Journal, December 2022: Tis the Season…Keeping Pets Happy and Safe During Winter Holidays, Samples, OM
• Georgia Environmental Health Association Journal July 2022: Toxic Cotton – The Gossypol Connection, Isa, N, Samples, OM
• Georgia Environmental Health Association Journal July 2022; Prevalence of Zoonotic Diseases in White Tail Deer in Georgia, Samples, OM
• Georgia Environmental Health Association Journal July 2022; Racoons: Public enemy # 1 or Backyard Pest? Samples, OM, Stose, L, Terrill, T Kupolati, K
• Academic Letters, March 2022: Prevalence of Obesity and Elevated Blood Pressure Amongst Freshman Undergraduate Students. Access at: (99+) (PDF) Prevalence of Obesity and Elevated Blood Pressure Amongst Freshman Undergraduate Students | Oreta Samples - Academia.edu
• NAVTA Journal, Jan. 2022: A Technicians Guide to Understanding Viruses and Vaccines, Samples, OM
• Research Gate (RG) November 2021: Prevalence of Obesity and Elevated Blood Pressure Amongst Freshman Undergraduate Students, Samples, OM, Kalu, KA; Access at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/356056962_Prevalence_of_Obesity_and_Elevated_Blood_Pressure_Amongst_Freshman_Undergraduate_Students
• NAVTA Journal, 2021: Pathologies Occurring Between White-tail Deer and Domestic Ruminant Species, Samples, OM, Kalu, K.
• Journal of Agriculture and Life Science, Vol. 7, No. 1, June 2020: The Feasibility of Organic Methods of Weed Control in Organic Peanut Control, Rowe, Sedrick, Sharif-Harris, H, Riley, C, Samples, OM
• Professional Agricultural Workers Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, October 2019: A Retrospective Study of EPA’s Record of Decision Report on the Woolfolk Arsenic and Lead Contamination in Fort Valley, Georgia, Ojarikre, Ovigueroye, Samples, OM, Surrency, J
• Georgia Environmental Health Journal, Vol. 42, June 2019: Take 2 Pills and Call Me in the Morning, Pitts, JA, Samples, OM
• Georgia Environmental Health Journal, Vol. 42, June 2019: Lead Toxicity: A Danger to Children in Rural Communities, Kalu, KA, Surrency, J, Samples, OM
• Georgia Environmentalist, June 2017. Down the Rabbit Hole With an Agent of War, Smith, DA, Samples, OM
• NAVTA Journal, Aug/Sept. 2016. A Veterinary Technicians Guide to One Health. Samples, OM
• Georgia Environmentalist, June 2016. A Historical Look at a Local Superfund Site, Harrelson, C, Samples, OM.
• NAVTA Journal, April/May 2016. Porcine Circovirus. Samples, OM.
• JAVTE Journal, February 2016. Gaming Ones Way to Success, Samples, OM
• NAVTA Journal, February/March 2016. The Importance of Belonging: Membership Matters, Walker-Smith, N, Samples, OM
• Georgia Environmentalist, June 2015. A Safe Haven for All…, Samples, OM
• Journal of Georgia Public Health Association, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 1. Venomous Spiders of the Southeastern Us: An Unexpected Threat, Collins, A, Samples OM.
• Journal of Georgia Public Health Association, 2015, Vol. 5, No. 1. Spiritual Health: The Often-Overlooked Dimension of Health, Imoyera, P, Riley, C, Samples, OM, Green, G.
• Today’s Veterinary Practice, Fall 2013, Diagnostic Testing for Internal Parasites, OM Samples.
• NAVTA Journal, Fall, 2013, Importance of Collecting and Evaluating Rumen Fluid in Cattle, OM Samples, DA Smith, S. Mobini
• NAVTA Journal, Spring 2013, A Convention Goers Guide to Getting the Most of Your Convention Experience, Samples, OM
• Today’s Veterinary Practice, 2013, Diagnostic Testing for Internal Parasites, currently under review for publication in Fall 2013.
• NAVTA Journal, Summer 2012, Baylisascaris procyonis: A Zoonotic Threat to Veterinary Technicians, Samples, O.M.
• International Journal of Poultry Science, August 2011, Role of Body Weight on Reproductive and Physiological Traits in Japanese Quail Layers (Coturnix japonica)
• NAVTA Journal, Spring 2011; Handling and Care of the Common Green Iguana, Samples, O.M.
• Journal of American Veterinary Medical Association, June 2010; Compendium of Veterinary Standard Precautions for Zoonotic Disease Prevention in Veterinary Personnel, Authors: National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians Veterinary Infection Control Committee 2010
• VTARC Companion, April 2010; Sunset Horizons: The Care of Geriatric Dogs, Samples, O.M.
• FASEB Journal 2009 23:466.2: CEA-CAM-1 positive stem cells from the brain of adult pig, Katner, TL, Fenley, JL, Long, GH, Alena, C, Lochner, F, McCommon, G, Samples, I, Collins, JA, Hixson, D, Bowyer, FP, Black, AC, Young, HE
• FASEB Journal 2009 23:466.5: Primitive stem cells in adult feline, canine, ovine, caprine, bovine and equine peripheral blood, Lochner, D, Lochner, D, Samples, O, McCommon, G, Alena, C, Hixson, D, Bowyer, FP, Black, AC, Young, HE
• FASEB Journal 2009 23:466.6: Increase in primitive stem cell numbers in equine peripheral blood following stress, McCommon, G, Lochner, F, Samples, OM, Lochner, D, Lochner, D, Hixson, D, Young, HE
• NAVTA Journal, Winter 2009; The Care and Handling of Boa Constrictors, Samples, O.M., Murphy, K.
• I Love Cats, January 2006; Weight Watchers for Kitties; Samples, O.M
• Veterinary Technician Magazine, April 2005; Basics of Ear Infections in Dogs; Samples, O.M.
• TechTalk, AALAS Newsletter for Technicians, Vol. 10, Issue 4; August 2005; Mosquitoes: The Littlest Lab Animal; Samples, O.M.
• Veterinary Parasitology, May 2014; Capability of nematode-trapping Fungus Duddingtonia flagrans to reduce infective larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes in goat feces in Southeastern US: Dose titration dose time interval studies;T.H Terrill, M Larsen, O Samples, S Husted, J.E Miller, R.M Kaplan, S Gelaye
• Veterinary Technician Magazine, May 2004; Emergency Care of Rabbit: A Clinical Challenge; Samples, O.M., Murphy K.
• Veterinary Technician Magazine, January 2003; Understanding Parasite Problems in Large Animals, Samples, O.M.
• Veterinary Technician Magazine, May 2003; What You Should Know About Tick-Borne Diseases; Samples, O.M.
• Veterinary Parasitology. July 2001; Anthelmintic resistance on goat farms in Georgia: Efficiency of anthelmintics against gastrointestinal nematodes in 2 selected goat herds. TH Terrill, M Larson, J. Miller, R. Kaplan, OM Samples, S. Gelaye
• Book Reviews to be found at www.vspn.org (the following is a sampling of titles, approximately 150 reviews have been written)
• Veterinary Epidemiology
• Clinical Procedures of Large Animal Medicine
• Essentials of Medical Language
• Clinical Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual for Veterinary Technicians
• Mosby’s Veterinary PDQ, 1st Edition
• Saunders Veterinary Terminology Flash Cards
• Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner
• Common Diseases of the Companion Animal
• Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology: A Workbook for Students
• Clinical Anatomy & Physiology for Veterinary Technicians
• Book Reviews for NAVTA Journal include the following:
• Clinical Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine, 2011
• Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat, 2nd Ed. (2011)
• Essentials of Western Acupuncture (2010)
• Other Contributions
• Course Hero: A open access online learning platform, I have contributed the following:
• Power Point Presentation: Q-Fever, Johnson, S, Samples, OM
• Course: ENVH 5113: Environmental Pollution (graduate level)
• Course: VETY 1812: Veterinary Medical Terminology (undergraduate)
• Course: BIOL 5334: Environmental Microbiology (graduate level)
VII. Reviewer for the following publishing companies:
• Jones and Bartlett Publishing
o Reviewer of chapters for public health texts
o Test Question writer: Population Health: Creating a Culture of Wellness (Chapter 4 and 15) and Kotch’s Maternal and Child Health, 4th edition (Chapters 1-21)
• Blue Door Publishing
• SAGE Publishing
VIII. Volunteer Activities:
• CUGH Reviewer – 2021-2022 – Reviewed for 2022 Conference, 25 presentation abstracts.
• USG Reviewer – 2023 – Reviewed for USG Teaching and Learning Conference 7 presentations reviewed.
The Winogradsky Column – A Pandemic Worthy Lab Experiment. Samples, OM, Reade, J, Turner, M, Linder, B, Robinson, J, Hurst, JD, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA Presented at SOTL Conference, Kennesaw University, (virtually). 10-07-2022.
The Winogradsky Column – A Pandemic Worthy Lab Experiment. Samples, OM, Reade, J, Turner, M, Linder, B, Robinson, J, Hurst, JD, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA Presented at Teaching Still Matters Conference, Gordon State College, Gordon, GA 3-2022
Susceptibility of Goat Kids to Infection with Gastrointestinal Parasites. D.A. Smith, T.H. Terrill, O.M. Samples, C.M. Matthews, B. Kouakou, and S. Gelaye, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA Presented at ARD Meeting, Washington, D.C. 5-2000
Anthelmintic Efficacy against Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Goats in Georgia. O.M. Samples1, T.H. Terrill1, M. Larsen2, R.M. Kaplin3, J.E. Miller4, S. Mobini1, and S. Gelaye1, 1Fort Valley State University, 2The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark, 3University of Georgia; and 4Louisiana State University Presented at ARD Meeting, Washington, D.C. 5-2000
Biological Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Goats Using Nematode-Trapping Fungi. 1T.H. Terrill, 1O.M. Samples, 2 M. Larsen, 3J.E. Miller, 1C.M. Matthews, and 1S. Gelaye, 1Fort Valley State University, 2The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark, and 3Louisiana State University. Presented at ARD Meeting, Washington, D.C. 5-2000
Preliminary Evaluation of Two Hair Sheep Breeds for Production in the Southeast, W.P. Getz, S. Mobini, G.F. Hill, O. Samples, and J. Peacock, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA, Presented at American Society of Animal Science, Southern Section, Lexington, Kentucky 1-2000
Anthelmintic Efficacy Against Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Goats in Georgia. O.M. Samples1, T.H. Terrill1, M. Larsen2, R.M. Kaplin3, J.E. Miller4, S. Mobini1, and S. Gelaye1, 1Fort Valley State University, 2The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark, 3University of Georgia; and 4Louisiana State University Presented at 45th Annual American Association of Veterinary Parasitology, Salt Lake City, Utah, 7-2000.
Biological Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes in Goats Using Nematode-Trapping Fungi. 1T.H. Terrill, 1O.M. Samples, 2M. Larsen, 3J.E. Miller, 1C.M. Matthews, and 1S. Gelaye, 1Fort Valley State University, 2The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark, and 3Louisiana State University. Presented at 45th Annual American Association of Veterinary Parasitology Salt Lake City, Utah, 7-2000
Preliminary Investigation of Anthelmintic Efficacy against Gastrointestinal Nematodes (GINs) of Goats and Susceptibility of Goat Kids to GIN Infection. A. Hollis, T.H. Terrill, O.M. Samples, C.M. Matthews, B. Kouakou, and S. Gelaye, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA pp. 5 - 12th Biennial Research Symposium, ARD Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Multiple Anthelmintic Resistances on Goat Farms in Georgia. 1R.M. Kaplan, 2T. H. Terrill, 1A.R. Wyatt, 2O.M. Samples, 1L.H. Williamson, 2S. Gelaye, 1College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, 2Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, Georgia
Capability of the Nematode-Trapping Fungus Duddingtonia flagrans to Reduce Infective Larvae of GIN’s in Goat Feces in the Southeastern United States: Dose Titration and Dose time Interval Study. 1T.H. Terrill, 2M. Larsen, 1O.M. Samples, 2S. Husted, 3J.E. Miller, 4R.M. Kaplan, and 1S. Gelaye, 1Fort Valley State University, 2The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark, and 3Louisiana State University. 4University of Georgia, submitted to Veterinary Parasitology, 2003
Capella University, Capella Faculty Virtual Conference, December 2021, Invited presenter on topic: Real-life Capstones: When Collaboration Comes Together in the Woods.
Morehouse CECAN Conference, September 2021 [grant sponsored]
Invited presenter on topic: Incidence of Raccoon-Mediated Zoonotic Disease
Georgia Public Health Association, Annual Meeting (virtual), August 2021
Invited speaker on topic of: Prevalence of Zoonotic Diseases in White-Tail Deer and Potential for Infection of Hunters, Taxidermists and Game Processors
Ga. Environmental Health Association, Annual Meeting March 2020
Invited speaker on topic of “When the Hunter Becomes the Hunted”
Ga. Dept of Public Health REHS Meeting, January 2020
Invited speaker on topic of “When the Hunter Becomes the Hunted”
Georgia Veterinary Medical Association Conference, October 2017
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker for 4 sessions of the Veterinary Technicians portion of the GVMA Fall Conference, Atlanta, Ga
Association of Veterinary Technician Educators Conference, July 2017
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker for 1 session entitled: Inside and Out: A Collaborative Effort to Achieve Student Success; Samples, OM, Knight, M.
Wild West Veterinary Conference, Reno, NV 2016
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker presenting 4 topics within the veterinary technology conference proceedings. These included Sample Collection in Veterinary Medicine, Zoonotic Diseases and Effects on Veterinary Personnel, Large Animal Sample Collection (2-part).
39th Annual Minnesota Association of Veterinary Technicians Convention, Minneapolis, MN, February 2013
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker to present Large Animal Sample Collection – From Head to Tail, Zoonotics in Large Animal Species, The HOT Complex as it relates to Caprines, Maintenance and Health of the Equine Hoof, Large Animal Nursing.
Wild West Veterinary Conference, Reno, NV October 2012
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker to present: Maintaining the Veterinary Lab, Sample Collection and Testing – From Head to Tail, Parasitology Techniques – Identification of Small Animal Parasites, Zoonotic Disease – Implications to Veterinary Personnel.
2012 Mid-America Veterinary Conference, Lexington, KT April 2012
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker to present two talks: Rumen Fluid Analysis and The Complete Technician – From the Front Door to the Back.
38th Annual Minnesota Association of Veterinary Technicians Convention, Minneapolis, MN February 3, 2012
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker to present Large Animal Parasitology, Rumen Fluid Collection and Analysis, Large Animal Hematology and Cytology.
Wild West Veterinary Conference, Reno, NV October 2011
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker to present four presentations on the following topics:
Basic Parasitology for Beginners, Advanced Parasitology, Maintaining the Veterinary Lab – Big or Small, and Technician Today…Writer Tomorrow.
Fort Valley State University, College of Agriculture Monthly Research Seminar, June 2010
Dr. Samples was an invited presenter on the topic of Zoonotic Disease Prevention in Veterinary Personnel, a topic that was reflected by her on-going involvement and work through the national committee associated with the bi-annually published Veterinary Infection Control Compendium (published by AVMA). This committee is part of The National Association of State and Public Health Veterinarians to which Dr. Samples serves in the capacity of NAVTA representative to the compendium committee.
Association of Veterinary Technician Educators Bi-Annual Symposium, July, 2009
Dr. Samples was an invited speaker and co-presenter along with Dr. George McCommon on the topic of Electronic Resources for the Veterinary Technology Classroom at bi-annual meeting held in Omaha, Nebraska.
American Veterinary Medical Association, Seattle, WA 7-2009
Invited Speaker, Topics of talks included: The Role of Veterinary Technicians in Public Health; A Parasitic Primer for Veterinary Technicians; The Complete Veterinary Technician: Running Things from the Front Door to the Back (presented this topic twice).
74th Meeting of Georgia Public Health Association, Augusta, GA, 9-2003; Tick- Borne Diseases as an Occupational Hazard to Veterinary Medicine
45th Meeting of American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, Salt Lake City, Utah; 7/2000; Anthelmintic Efficacy against Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Two Georgia Goat Herds
12th ARD Symposium, Washington, DC, 4-2000; Anthelmintic Efficacy against Gastrointestinal Nematodes of Goats in Georgia.
2022 STEM Summit – University of Georgia - Poster Presentation: The Winogradsky Column – A Pandemic-Worthy Lab, Samples, OM, Hurst, DJ, Linder, B, Reade, J, Robinson, J, Turner, M
2022 Teaching Still Matters Educators Conference, Gordon State University: Poster Presentation: Getting the Most Out of Upper-Level Lab Experiences…Virtually, Samples, OM, Hurst, DJ, Linder, B, Reade, J, Robinson, J, Turner, M
2022 Southern Regional FIDC Conference, Auburn University: Poster Presentation: The Winogradsky Column – A Pandemic-Worthy Lab, Samples, OM, Hurst, DJ, Linder, B, Reade, J, Robinson, J, Turner, M
2021 Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
Poster Presentation: Prevalence of Anaplasmosis in White-tailed Deer and Inherent Risks to Georgia Hunters, Samples O, Kalu, K, Lawrence, J, Meckle, R
2018 Georgia Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting: A Comparison of Mastitis in Dairy Goats and Humans. Kalu, K. Samples, OM, McCommon, G. Mofya, S. Knight, M.
2017 Georgia Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting: Retrospective Study of Lead Exposure on Children less than 5 years old over 3 decades from the Woolfolk Chemical Work Site in Fort Valley Community, Kalu, K, Samples, O, Surrency, J. (Prize Winner in Competition)
2017 Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting: Effects of ProbioticTreatments on Raw Milk Quality Tests in Mastitic Dairy Goats, Ocloo, K., Samples, OM, Gillespie, RA, Knight, M, Mofya, S, McCommon, G
2017 Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting: Arsenic and Lead Contamination in Fort Valley, GA Four Decades Ago, Ojarikre, C., Samples, OM, Surrency, J.
2017 Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting: Smoking Cessation vs. Early Prevention: Edam, E., Samples, OM, Green, G., Riley, C.
2017 Research Day, Fort Valley State University: Same posters as were presented at 2017 Georgia Environmental Health Association conference.
2016 Georgia Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting: No Dippin, No Smokin, No Chewin (Imoyera, P, Ocloo, O, Johnson, I, Williams, J, Pitt, J. Bright, J. Riley, C Samples, O.
2016 Georgia Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting, A Historical Perspective of the Woolfolk Chemical Site, Singh, V. Samples, O (Prize Winner in Competition)
2016 Research Day, Fort Valley State University; No Dippin, No Smokin, No Chewin, Imoyera, P, Ocloo, O, Johnson, I, Williams, J, Pitt, J. Bright, J. Riley, C Samples, O.
2015 State of Georgia Public Health, University of Georgia, Athens GA; Collaborative Efforts of University and MPH Program in Student Field Experiences at FVSU. Samples, OM
2015 National Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL; Venomous Spiders of the Southeastern US: An Environmental Threat, Collins, A, Samples, OM
2015 Georgia Environmental Health Association Annual Meeting, Unicoi, GA Bayllisascaris procyonis: An Environmental Threat to Children and Hunters, Samples, OM
2015 Annual Georgia Public Health Conference, Atlanta, GA; Spirituality: The 5th Dimension of Public Health, Imoyera, P, Riley, CV, Samples, O, Greene, G.
2015 Research Day @ FVSU, Fort Valley, GA; Spirituality: The 5th Dimension of Public Health, Imoyera, P, Riley, CV, Samples, O, Greene, G.
2014 State of Georgia Public Health Convention, University of Georgia, Athens, GA; Bayllisascaris procyonis: An Environmental Threat to Children and Hunters
73rd Meeting of Georgia Public Health Association, 9-2002; Caregivers: Caring For Those Who Care; Samples, O.M.
73rd Meeting of Georgia Public Health Association, 9-2002; Pesticides: Use and Misuse in the Home; Samples O.M.
74th Meeting of Georgia Public Health Association, 9-2003; To Kill or Cure: Herbal Remedies in the 21st Century; Samples, OM, Owens, AC
74th Meeting of Georgia Public Health Association, 9-2003; Think…Don’t Drink; Samples, OM, Owens, AC
Keystone Symposium for Tissue Engineering and Development, Snowbird, Utah, April 12-17, 2007; Totipotent Stem Cells are Present in the Blood of Adult Equines. G McCommon1, F Lochner1, O Samples1, GF Long2, JA Collins2, AC Black Jr 2,3, HE Young2,4. 1Department of Veterinary Sciences, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA, 31030; 2Division of Basic Medical Sciences, 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4Department of Pediatrics, Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, GA, 31207.
Keystone Symposium on Tissue Engineering and Development, Snowbird, Utah, April 12-17, 2007. Native pancreatic islets cultured with decellularized pancreatic matrices, derived from adult rats show enhancement of insulin synthesis and secretion in response to a glucose challenge.
F Lochner1, G McCommon1, O Samples1, Joe Harris Morgan III2, GF Long3, JA Collins3, AC Black Jr 3, 4, HE Young3, 5. 1Department of Veterinary Sciences, Fort Valley State University, Fort Valley, GA 31030; 2Department of Surgery, 3Division of Basic Medical Sciences, 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 4Department of Pediatrics, Mercer University School of Medicine, Macon, GA, 31207.
Keystone Symposia on Tissue Engineering and Development,
Snowbird Utah, April 12-17, 2007 Totipotent Stem Cells are Mobilized from Skeletal Muscle into the Circulation of Adult Pigs after Trauma
DW Ashley, C Stout, JH Morgan III, GF Long, JA Collins, F Lochner, G McCommon, O Samples, AC Black, Jr, HE Young.
Morehouse School of Medicine Collaborative Grant Funding Round 2
$5275.00 CECAN Mini-Grant: Prevention of Zoonotic Disease Transmission to DNR Technicians During Necropsy Procedures in Suspect Wild Animal Species. (2022)
Morehouse School of Medicine Collaborative Grant Funding:
$4100.00 CECAN Mini-Grant: Incidence of Zoonotic Disease to Hunters, Taxidermists and Wild-Game Processors. (2021)
$5000.00 Consultant Contract for Community Champion work.
$200,000 Evans-Allen Grant (PI) Funding through NIFA to be used in the study of Zoonotic Disease Transmission by White-tailed Deer to Beef Cattle and Hunters.
176,764.00 Evans-Allen Grant (Co-PI) Funding through NIFA to be used in the study of present impact of Woolfolk Chemical site on current environment.
80,000.00 Evans-Allen Grant (Co-PI) Funding through NIFA to be used to study antibiotic resistance, antibiotic residue and use of probiotics in treatment of mastitis in dairy goats.
$10,000 PREP Grant funding received from FVSU President’s Office to identify and study prevalence of West Nile infected mosquitoes in Peach County.
7500.00 Gray Muzzle Mini-Grant funding received to provide care for geriatric companion animals through the SAFE Center Community Practice.
10,000 PREP Grant (Co-PI) Two-year funding through the Office of President, Fort Valley State University. Riley, C; Samples OM. Grant is intended to begin a grant funded research project in an area of public health that allows students to get experience both in Field Experience and Thesis Research in the area of studying/assessing tobacco use among students at an HBCU.
7500.00 Morehouse School of Medicine Mini-Grant funded by Morehouse School of Medicine for the purpose of developing an educational program that addresses an area of public health to be carried out by a public health program. Receipt of this grant enabled the MPH Program at FVSU to create a Freshman Orientation program addressing tobacco cessation and prevention in keeping with the recent 2014 BOR policy on all BOR universities being smoke-free.
2000.00 Presidential Mini-Grant funded by Fort Valley State University for equipment purchase for community enrichment program with students ranging from Kindergarten to Senior High School level in the area of veterinary pathology and microbiology lessons, Investigator: Oreta M. Samples, Co-Investigator Dr. G. McCommon (2008)
1400.00 Grant funded by GPHA/GHSA/NHSB: "Impaired Driving on College Campuses", Investigator: Oreta M. Samples, Co-Investigator: Arnita C. Owens (2004)
5000.00 Grant funded by American Kennel Club, Companion Animal Relief Fund. Grant is to be used for funding of supplies and equipment for the SAFE Center located at Fort Valley State University, Department of Veterinary Science (2011).
2000.00 Conference Travel Grant funded by Bayer Animal Health. Was awarded funding for travel to conference of my choice based on article submitted for publication with the NAVTA Journal entitled: Baylisascaris procyonis: A Zoonotic Threat to Clinical Veterinary Technicians (2012).
XII. Scholastic Community Activities:
7-2023: Served as reviewer for 2023 MIDAS Conference, reviewing three manuscripts for presentation merit.
Under Current Publication for Upcoming Editions
- Mosby's Comprehensive Review for Veterinary Technicians, Chapter 2: Urinalysis and Hematology
- A Laboratory Manual of Clinical Pathology for Veterinary Technicians; Co-authored by Dr. Oreta Samples and Dr. Scott Echols. To be published in 2014 by Teton-New Media, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
Book Chapters/Manuals
Tasks for Veterinary Assistants, 3rd Edition, 2014, Chapter 2: Professional Conduct, Chapter 11: Patient Care I and Chapter 16: Endoscopy; OM Samples
Occupational Journals
- NAVTA Journal, Fall 2013, Importance of Collecting and Evaluating Rumen Fluid in Cattle, OM Samples, DA Smith, S Mobini
- Today’s Veterinary Practice, Fall 2013, Diagnostic Testing for Internal Parasites, OM Samples
- NAVTA Journal, 2013 Convention Edition, Are You Ready to Go? A Guide to the Best Veterinary Conventions, OM Samples
- NAVTA Journal, Summer 2012, Baylisascaris procyonis: A Zoonotic Threat to Veterinary Technicians, Samples, O.M.
- NAVTA Journal, Spring 2011; Handling and Care of the Common Green Iguana, Samples, O.M.
- VTARC Companion, April 2010; Sunset Horizons: The Care of Geriatric Dogs, Samples, O.M.
- NAVTA Journal, Winter 2009; The Care and Handling of Boa Constrictors, Samples, O.M., Murphy, K.
- Veterinary Technician Magazine, January 2003; Understanding Parasite Problems in Large Animals, Samples, O.M.
- Veterinary Technician Magazine, May 2003; What You Should Know About Tick-Borne Diseases; Samples, O.M.
- Veterinary Technician Magazine, May 2004; Emergency Care of Rabbit: A Clinical Challenge; Samples, O.M., Murphy K.
- Veterinary Technician Magazine, April 2005; Basics of Ear Infections in Dogs; Samples, O.M.
- TechTalk, AALAS Newsletter for Technicians, Vol. 10, Issue 4; August 2005; Mosquitoes: The Littlest Lab Animal; Samples, O.M.
- I Love Cats, January 2006; Weight Watchers for Kitties; Samples, O.M
Book Reviews
150 reviews published with www.vspn.org between the years of 2008-2014 including:
- Veterinary Epidemiology
- Clinical Procedures of Large Animal Medicine
- Essentials of Medical Language
- Clinical Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory Manual for Veterinary Technicians
- Mosby's Veterinary PDQ, 1st Edition
- Saunders Veterinary Terminology Flash Cards
- Practical Transfusion Medicine for the Small Animal Practitioner
- Common Diseases of the Companion Animal
- Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology: A Workbook for Students
- Clinical Anatomy & Physiology for Veterinary Technicians
Book Reviews for NAVTA Journal include the following:
- Clinical Canine and Feline Respiratory Medicine, 2011
- Clinical Medicine of the Dog and Cat, 2nd Ed. (2011)
- Essentials of Western Acupuncture (2010)